Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today I entered the library for my usual purpose, to rent a dvd. After a fruitless search for Magnolia I headed to the computers for some google investigation. On my way out I passed the "books for sale" rack which is typically filled with indiscernible pamphlets, sports books (everyone knows jocks can't read) and various sermons on tape. There is the occasional gem as was the case today and for a meager 10 cents I was sold. it was too good to pass up.
At the check out I presented my purchase to the cute chubby cheeked library worker. She then opened the cover to reveal the price. This conversation followed:

"Ooooo. That's all it costs?!" she exclaimed.
"Yeah!" I replied matching her enthusiasm.
"Wowww," she said smiling, sliding the book over that metal deactivation thing that I don't understand and was pretty sure was doing nothing.
"I know," I said pushing a dime across the counter with my index finger.

Then she handed me the book.
"This is yours," she said, looking me straight in the eye.

It was so official.
I wish all my purchases were this epic.

1 comment:

Zack Newcott said...

I was thinking the SAME THING about that metallic deactivation do-hickey.

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