Thursday, November 27, 2008

i. love. straws.

This guy, Tokujin Yoshioka, a designer of beautiful things, made a huge installation of two million drinking straws at Design Miami. I suggest you check out all of his designs here.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Party of One

I went to a concert all by myself on saturday at the Hollywood Palladium. This was a new experience for me and one that I would recommend that you partake in at least once in your life. Come to think, of it I'm pretty sure I read similar advice somewhere in a Seventeen Magazine a few years back. Dear god they've brainwashed me!
Anyhow, brainwashing or not, I still think it's a good idea. I'm a person who is prone to staying indoors when I'm alone. It's just safer that way, plus people really annoy me so it's best if i keep away from them as much as possible. A few weeks ago when I bought my ticket to see Of Montreal I did forsee it being a solo adventure, knowing that my love and adoration for this band far surpassed that of my roommates. So with ticket in hand I alone ventured to the land of the stars (and hobos) (and trashy sluts) to see what I hoped would be fantastic show.

And it was. The glitter and spandex flowed like milk and honey. It was a party for a whole host of people from the bedazzled preteen to the unassuming 40-something. The douche bags raved, the metal heads shook their long, grungy hair, and the nerds pranced in place as the pig-men on stage battled ninjas. It was glorious. As I scanned the crowd I located several others who appeared to be at the concert alone dancing without fear or shame. To them I say rock on you awkward dragon slayer, you beautiful, sweaty freak.
While standing on the balcony I managed to make a few friends one of whom resembled a husky Jason Schwartzman. Sure, they were on mushrooms, but they were sweet just the same. They even invited me to join them on the dance floor, to which I replied, "Hells yes!" and cha cha-ed my way down the stairs. Oh, what a night.

>>>> Hey, all you introverts out there, step out of your dark cave, unfold from the fetal position, the world isn't too bad. Just stay away from the mushrooms. Problem solved. Done.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Ok, that last post was pathetic, mostly because the only person who reads this is the one in those photos I posted. Hi zack.
Perhaps what's even more pathetic is my Kasha obsession. You know Kasha:

This dog is really the jack of all trades with many more skills than I could possibly handle as a human. Not only does she attack people on the beach, but she also scales mountains,

runs at the speed of light,

whispers to kitties,

stands erect,

and apparently has the ability to clone herself.

This is truly God's finest creature.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Glorious Beast

Oh boy, do i have a treat for you!? Yes. The answer is yes. Remember those screeching horsemen from Lord of the Rings? Well, apparently, they've possessed a dog somewhere in italy that is now stalking the beaches with a thirst for blood.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Like I said...

Technology and I do not get along. Further evidence of this arose on Monday when the paper I had due in the afternoon refused to open on my computer and my external hard drive started smoking. Also, I managed to electrocute myself. Miraculously, and only by the grace of God, did I end up recovering the file and turning in the paper with half an hour to spare.
It was a fluke.
Last month, after frustration with my ghetto-rigged powerbook became too much bear, I decided to invest in a new imac. When it came in the mail I didn't open it right away. I let it stew for a couple of days. Because of the fear. When I opened the package I felt a mix of emotions. I sat back on the couch and stared across the room at the metallic beast now laying claim of my desk. It was virtually untouched. I couldn't help but imagine the horrors that would surely ensue once i placed my fingers on the keyboard. So far it is fully intact...


Monday, September 29, 2008

The Day That Never Ended

I just spent my entire day at school. I really don't know how it happened. Fourteen hours. I just counted it out on my hands four times, so it's true.
Somehow I managed to wake up early this morning and haul my lazy ass to chapel. I sat in the cramped, humid balcony of the gym in awe of the mass of people who willingly put themselves in this situation weekly. I was feeling very uncomfortable and slightly bloated. I found release during worship when I spotted my favorite energetic evangelical dancing her awkward heart out on the shiny wood floor with eyes closed and hands raised beneath the bright white basketball net. The message was on diversity, something us white, upper middle class Biola students know a whole lot about. Compelling, though it was, I spent most of my time enamored with the incredible penmanship of the girl taking notes next to me in a fancy leather journal. I swear, she was born to write in cursive. I then scorned myself for coveting her nimble, dexterous fingers during sermon.
I ended up in the computer lab after chapel let out. I worked until my roommate came and then stayed out of kindness and need for human interaction. What a sucker I am. After a long trip for coffee we had to relocate ourselves to the asian corner of the computer lab behind creepy guy who stares at you just a little too long when you walk by.
At this point I had endured a near full school day and yet had not attended one class. In fact it hadn't yet begun, really. And that is where this story ends.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Helpful Video

How To Avoid Trapped Arm Whilst Cuddling In Bed

I'll have to remember the superman for the next time I'm spooning with my cat.
Oh, videojug, where would we be without you?

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Ok, so I haven't been completely unproductive, it just takes awhile to make anything good.

I made this turtle (with monocle) for a friend to give to a friend. That's right, I was commissioned!

Here's a little experiment I've been working on called "trying to figure out how to use my camera" and, yes, those quotations were unnecessary. Hopefully it will be longer and awesomer in the future.

Creative A.D.D.

i has it.

Summer is simply too good. Now that I have all this time on my hands I can't handle it. There are just too many possibilities. Basically, the problem is that i can't focus on one thought for more than ten seconds and thus am incapable of any productivity or movement.
But I have come up with a solution!! All i need is someone to make decisions for me. All of them. It would really help me out. If you're interested, let me know asap. I can't pay you with anything but Almond Rocas and belly rubs. Please, come be my own little buddah.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Why Do Fools Fall In Love?

Last weekend when I was in LA I slept in a stranger's bedroom. It was a pretty nice place at first glance, but upon closer inspection one thing became abundantly clear; the girl who lives here is dating an idiot of epic proportions.
Let's take a look shall we?
(they get progressively worse. or better??)

the boyfriend calendar (i'll spare you the other months)

the trophy

and my personal favorite

the creepiest clock ever

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

You Wish You Had One

Cinco de Mayo. What a day. Ok, mostly it was the same as all the others, but one thing was different. There were churros. Abundant churros. From heaven. And just when you thought churros couldn't get any better...

Churro Hedgehog. There IS nothing better.
I plan to make an army.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

little babes

I held a baby yesterday. She looked at me and smiled. She gave me her sippy cup. I pretended to use it. She sat on my lap and leaned her head on my chest. It felt so good.

Friday, April 18, 2008

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

I am very clumsy (some just call me stupid). I am also poor. The combination of these two makes for a horrible situation for me, especially in light of my most recent accident, the very near death of my computer. Now, I've broken things before, my cell phone, my bedroom door, the right-side mirror of my car, but this one is by far the most expensive. Upon discovering my slain computer lying broken on the floor, after what I can only assume was a suicide jump from my bed, I let out one loud curse (followed by several quieter ones) and a few tears as i pondered how i could possibly fix it without having to sell my body on the black market. Again.
How does one get by when something is broken and one simply does not have the means to fix it properly? Well, young grasshopper, one must be clever and work with what one has. This is also known as "ghetto-rigging."

Problem: broken computer screen

Solution: BIGGER and better screen.

The moral of the story, you ask? Don't trust me with electronics. Or bedroom doors. But do send me hedgehogs.
The chubby one on the left stole my heart.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Spring Break in Portland

Yep, I went there. To Portland. Maybe I'll tell stories later. For now, I'll just let the pictures do the talking.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fasting. Have you ever done it?

I never have.

Tonight at dinner my brother announced that he was fasting. It was perfect timing too as we were about to sit down to some delicious retirement home cuisine. It's always sort of strange visiting my grandma in that big old folks home and this time was no different. Everyone knows you're an outsider when you walk into a room. Though they may try to make you feel welcome you know you don't really belong there.

I had the tomato soup. It had a funny aftertaste which could only be described as musky.

The ice cream on the other hand was amazing. I very nearly asked for seconds.

I was not surprised to find my brother rummaging through our refrigerator a mere two hours later.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I don't make very good use of my time. Not a lick of homework has been completed this weekend. If I was smart, I would stop this and immediately go hit the books. Instead I decided to share a little 3am photo shoot..
No, alcohol was not involved.

Clearly, time well spent.
I have a theory about lackadaisicity and yes, I'm pretty sure that's not a word. I have determined that the success of someone's day is determined by pants. It sort of makes sense if you think about it. What in this world can be accomplished without pants? Not much. Pants make things possible and as long as you've got some on people assume that you've accomplished something. So, throw on a pair of pants and be a successful human being. Or just put some on and fake it.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sometimes You're Just Stuck With It

I tried to rub off a birthmark today. Or at least I think it's a birthmark. I'd never noticed it before. Maybe it's a post-birthmark that just creeped up on me one night. It's weird how things change and you don't even notice them. Or maybe it's been there all along. Sometimes things are different than you remember.
I am back in the apartment now and I'm really excited about the fort potential that my bed now holds.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Eff Word

It's not exactly the first thing that I like to come to my mind when I wake up, but alas today I found it floating up there in my skull at 7:30 this morning. It was a fluke, this type of thing doesn't usually happen to me while I'm on vacation, at least I try to prevent it . It wasn't completely uninspired, I had a reason. Maybe it's not such a big deal to you, but I like my sleep. In fact, I had been enjoying a pleasant dream about a military man turned college student and to be completely honest with you, it was heartwarming. It was just then, as the young man was enjoying his first meal in the cafeteria, that Lunecy*, popped it's ugly head in my bedroom door (and into my dream) firmly demanding that I needed to take the recycling out before the garbage man came. I considered going back to sleep just to spite him, but decided it wasn't worth further hassling so with distane I threw on my the first pair of shoes I could find (pink mocasins) grabbed a sweatshirt from atop the pile of clothes I still have yet to put away and headed to greet the morning with garbage. In a haze I stumbled to tackle the giant heap. With eyes half open I willed my lifeless limbs to collect the empty Aquafina bottles, discared cans of pinto beans (which were quite overdue for removal), and numerous newspaper ads into the bin and out to the garbage can. While pouring his cheerios my brother watched on in shock as though a zombie had entered the house to preform his household chores. After the two trips it took to get the crap into the can I fought to push the bastard down to the curb to join all his other can friends in their weekly get-together.
And the point of the story is??
Trash is gross, even recycling.
Insanity comes with parenthood.
I do not want to be insane. Yet.

*the names have been changed to protect those involved.

Friday, January 4, 2008

My Bed is a Cocoon

I woke up at 2 today. Why? I'm not sure. I've been sleeping a lot lately. Maybe my body is just trying to make up for my lack of sleep last semester. Maybe I'm part sloth. Or maybe it's just a side effect of the weather.
Speaking of weather, I just found the best winter hat ever:

It's made by a company in Iceland called Vik Prjonsdottir. I can't pronounce it either. All their other products are equally genius. The combination of this and sigur ros has thoroughly convinced me that iceland is the shit.

About Me

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Apparently, this blog is all about cats. Check out my shop at >>>>WHITE WONDER