"Did you hear Jacob Bandy likes you??" they would ask.
"Do you like him too?"
One time after school an eighth grader even came up to me and asked if I had heard the news. It was not amusing. I tried my best to pretend the problem didn't exist and basically ignored it until it went away.
It's been years since I've even thought of his name, but today, inexplicably, it popped into my mind so I did the only thing a person in this situation can do, google his name. Well, as it turns out, google isn't a fan of him either and first suggested that perhaps I meant to search for Jacob Blandy, quite appropriately I thought.
A google image search revealed no such luck, unless he's undergone some major reconstructive surgery and/or aged at an incredible rate.
The Blandy results were suprisingly more intriging than the aforementioned Bandy, but were still not quite on the mark.
God only knows where he is now, but if you're reading this Jacob Bandy, I don't hate you, you're just not my type.
Do visit blandy.org